A – AN
(un o una)
If you have to use a or an depends on the sound the word begins with.
If you have to use a or an depends on the sound the word begins with.
Si tienes que utilizar a o an depende del sonido con que empiece la palabra.
If the first sound is a consonant you have to use a.
Si el primer sonido es una consonate tienes que utilizar a.
a banana
a sandwich
a toffee
If the first sound is a vowel you have to use an.
Si el primer sonido es una vocal tienes que usar an.
an orange
an apple
an ice - cream
Exercise 3
Hello teachers, how are you?
I am Zuleima Azahara.
I like this exercise, it is fun, interestic and educative.
See you Thrusday!
Good bye!
Hello Zuleima!
It's INTERESTING and important to learn English.
Thanks for your comment.
See you on Thursday!
Hello teachers!!
In this blog hay muchas cosas de san valentine,
peace...y las acivades son muy útiles para estudiar.
I like the blog.
See you tomorrow**
Hello Karen!
Thanks for your comment.
See you tomorrow!
Hello teacher¡¡
He estado repasando el HOW MUCH y el HOW MANY, el SOME y el ANY , los POSSESIVES , el A y el AN, el VERBO TO BE , el ON AT IN... espero que me salga bien el examen .
BYE BYE teacher¡¡
Hello Juanjo!
Good work. Thanks for your comment.
See you tomorrow!
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