Thursday, 30 April 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Easter Day
Today, the 12th of April, is the day of Passover. Easter day is on Sunday Easter.
The traditional Easter gift is a chocolate egg.
The first eggs given at Easter were bird eggs. These eggs were painted in bright colours to give them further meaning as a gift.
As chocolate became more wide spread in the 20th Century, a chocolate version of the traditional painted egg was developed.
An Anglo-Saxon legend tells how the Saxon goddess Eostre found a wounded bird and transformed it into a hare, so that it could survive the Winter. The hare found it could lay eggs, so it decorated these each Spring and left them as offering to the goddess.
The traditional Easter gift is a chocolate egg.
The first eggs given at Easter were bird eggs. These eggs were painted in bright colours to give them further meaning as a gift.
As chocolate became more wide spread in the 20th Century, a chocolate version of the traditional painted egg was developed.
An Anglo-Saxon legend tells how the Saxon goddess Eostre found a wounded bird and transformed it into a hare, so that it could survive the Winter. The hare found it could lay eggs, so it decorated these each Spring and left them as offering to the goddess.
Hoy, día 12 de abril de 2009, es el día de Pascua. El día de Pascua es el domingo de Semana Santa.
El regalo tradicional de Pascua es un huevo de chocolate.
Los primeros huevos regalados en Pascua eran los huevos de aves, que se pintaban en colores brillantes para dar aún más significado al regalo.
Como el chocolate tuvo una gran repercusión en el siglo XX, se desarrolló una versión de los tradicionales huevos de Pascua en chocolate.
Una leyenda anglosajona narra cómo la diosa sajona Eostre encontró un pájaro herido y lo transformó en una liebre, para que pudiera sobrevivir al invierno. La liebre se dio cuenta de que podía poner huevos, por lo que cada primavera se dedicaba a decorarlos y los dejaba como ofrenda a la diosa.